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[新闻] “SonyDefenseForce(Sony防卫阵线)”被揭穿是反索饭自导自演






We have proof that will bring to light the true nature of the owners of SonyDefenseForce.com

On 9/19/2007 8:56:07 AM Filed under: In The News

As some of you know this site is brought to you in part by the SonyProtectionGroup.com .. some serious fanboys ;) Real and productive Fanboys.

Sick and tired of being lumped up with the likes of the the people behind SonyDefenseForce.com, SectionZ and Narutoboy have compared notes to shed some light on a very interesting fact regarding the true nature of one Rob Foor owner of the domain name Wii60.com, who also seems to represent the SonyDefenseForce.com web site.

According to the WhoIs.SC database the domain Wii60.com is registered to:


Administrative Contact:
Foor, Rob <-- key part here ;)
PO Box 1379
Little River, South Carolina 29566
United States

Narutoboy was contacted on Friday July 27th, 2007 by Rob Foor via razoric@gmail.com regarding a link exchange to the SonyDefenseForce.com web site. Now of course we can furnish this email and even include a screen capture of it but there is more.

The domain for the SDF is done by proxy but we are sure we will turn up that evidence soon enough. This is not the first time Rob Foor has been exposed it has even happened on the Wii60.com forums: http://www.wii60.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6488

Posts blown off of course by the admins who are hell bent on making Sony fanboys look bad and has even been the subject of a Penny Arcade comic among countless blog posts that think this is real. But we have had it, no more Rob Foor we are on to you and plan to get this out as far as possible.

More supporting evidence (look back here because when we find more we will post more):

·Coincidental, but the 2 main sources of his DIggs are Wii60.com and SonyDefenseForce.com - http://www.digg.com/users/razoric/news/dugg

·At one point closer to the inception of both web sites they shared THE SAME SERVERS .. I mean COME ON! According to DomainTools.com on 9/25/2006 both domains had NS1.SERVERMATRIX.COM as the name server and on 12/16/06 they shared NS1.DREAMHOST.COM as the host.

·Razoric.com and Wii60.com are on the SAME IP address. At one point SonyDefenseForce.com also came out of the same IP address:

·The IP address they shared was: - Wii60.com is still on this IP.

Do we need more folks? Enough is Enough. Especially when the real fanboys are going good work like this site ;)

[ 本帖最后由 齐天大胜 于 2007-9-23 23:58 编辑 ]

