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EA 对 PS3 游戏销售情况非常的失望


http://www.joystiq.com/2007/02/0 ... re-ps3-performance/

EA bullish on future PS3 performance
Posted Feb 6th 2007 1:18PM by Kyle Orland
Filed under: Sony PlayStation 3, Business

EA's recent quarterly conference call made headlines for the announcement of 10 to 15 games for the Wii and Nintendo DS in the coming year. But the full transcript also reveals some interesting thoughts from the mega-publisher on the present and future position of Sony's new system.

While EA CFO Warren Jenson said he was "pleased with our early performance on the PS3," EA chairman and CEO Larry Probst added that the PS3's holiday tie ratio (the number of games sold per system) "was lower than expected," especially compared with the Xbox 360 launch period a year earlier. Later in the call, though, Executive Vice President Frank Gibeau said that the tie ratio showed "great improvement" in January as consumers who got gift cards and eBayed systems for Christmas began to buy games in greater numbers.

Probst also indicated that early results showed the PS3 selling through at "a comfortable clip" for January and that he was confident the system would do well in its first full year of sales. He later added that while Nintendo and Microsoft are poised to do better this generation than last, "we think that Sony will continue to do extremely well." In other words, while it may look like all doom and gloom for Sony these days, at least one big publisher still has the company's back.

