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May 10, 2007 - Hot on the heels of the surprisingly good Chocobo Tales on the DS comes the next Chocobo game for a Nintendo system: Chocobo's Dungeon Toki-Wasure no Meikyuu. The game was announced tonight at the Square Enix Party Pre-Conference Meeting, complete with the awkward appearance of a life-sized Chocobo stumbling in from off-stage.

The Wii game will mark the tenth anniversary of the first Chocobo's Dungeon game released by Square Enix. Chocobo's Dungeon Toki-Wasure no Meikyuu, according to the game's producer Yuki Yokoyama, will not just be a dungeon-crawler as it has been in the previous version. He did not go into detail on what that might entail, but he did offer tidbits in the form of a small trailer formed of quick cuts of in-game footage.

In the trailer that Square Enix requested that we not videotape or photograph, we could see that the game will feature a similar art style to that of the recently released Chocobo Tales on the Nintendo DS. Of course, the Wii game looks far superior with its sharper 3D engine. Gameplay will feature the same random dungeon, turn-based battles that the original brought to the PlayStation ten years ago, in a bigger, bolder production for Wii gamers. The adventure follows Chocobo on a quest to recover memories lost by villagers by a mysterious force, and the game footage showed these "memories" personified as shiny sparkly objects that will be collected throughout the gameplay.

In a cryptic message, Yokoyama hinted that there will be something in Chocobo's Dungeon for fans of the DS Chocobo Tales game. What that is wasn't revealed, but hopefully we'll find out more about this "connection" this weekend when we see more about Chocobo's Dungeon at the Square Enix Party.


原帖由 Endymion 于 2007-5-10 19:54 发表

