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No Resident Evil 5 Before April '08《生化危机5》无缘Capcom 07财年

No Resident Evil 5 Before April '08

Capcom's recently released financial results reveal slightly less vague details about the release of the company's Resident Evil 5. Producer Jun Takeuchi previously told Famitsu that the game wouldn't make it before 2008. Now it doesn't look like the publisher will be able to get it to Xbox 360 and PLAYSTATION 3 owners before April 1 of next year.
While 1UP may take Capcom prez Kenzo Tsujimoto's comments to indicate a end of fiscal year release window—it ends March 31, 2008—Chris Kohler at Wired casts doubt on the translation, putting it after the end of the fiscal year.
It looks like it's pretty clear if we look at Capcom's Consolidated Financial Statements. If everyone would please turn to page 53 of their statements, we'll see that Capcom doesn't have a single PS3 title scheduled for FY '07. That would certainly mean no Resident Evil 5. Unless... no, let's not go there. Michael McWhertor
Capcom Investor Relations [Capcom.jp]


《生化危机5》无缘Capcom 07财年



[ 本帖最后由 NintendoWii 于 2007-6-6 16:36 编辑 ]

