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Phil Harrison talks porn on PS Home
Wednesday 21-Mar-2007 5:12 PM "We're not going to have 'those' kind of animations," Harrison tells ThreeSpeech

A new Q&A has been posted on the semi official PS3 blog site ThreeSpeech where Harrison gets asked about people uploading porn to PS Home.

When asked about some of the animations you can do within the world of PS Home, he replied, "Well, it's absolutely deliberate that there is no physical impact between characters, between avatars. We are going to have animations that will allow you to shake somebody's hand or to have some social touch but in a very, you know, appropriate way. But no, we're not going to have 'those' kind of animations that I'm imagining that you're thinking about."

Not beating around the, err, bush, Harrison was then directly asked about uploading porn from your PS3's hard-disk to your private space in Home. "Well I'm disappointed that you would use those as the first questions. I think Home should be used for a much wider and more beneficial scope than that, but I think that people can express their creativity inside Home in a wide variety of ways and it's not necessarily for us to dictate what that should be. However, if somebody feels uncomfortable about an encounter on Home, it's very easy for them to ban that person from their friends list..."

