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Halo Wars 成就曝光!(12月28日)


There are 50 achievements with a total of 1000 points.

Adjudicate the Arbiter30
Complete the Campaign on Heroic Difficulty
Detour the Great Journey50
Complete the Campaign on Legendary Difficulty
Momma's Boy5
Get a Gold Medal on any mission
Crushed Colors10
Improve your Score in any Campaign Mission
Mr. Punctual15
Finish all missions under Par Time on Heroic difficulty
Own Worst Enemy20
Get a Gold Medal with all Debuff Skulls Active
Wall of Recognition30
Get a Gold Medal on every Campaign Mission
Epic Grinder40
Obtain a Lifetime Campaign Score over 1,000,000
Everything's Better with Bacon5
Mission 1: Ram 50 Grunts with Warthogs
Endless Fun5
Mission 2: Destroy every Methane Tank
Covenant "Hot Drop"5
Mission 3: Kill at least 5 Covenant Units with the Bridge
The Real Winner5
Mission 4: Save Adam
He's Got The Jack5
Mission 5: Jack 6 Covenant Vehicles
Rhino Hugger5
Mission 6: Successfully protect every Rhino
Micro Manager5
Mission 7: Do not destroy any Power Node
Ramblin' Man5
Mission 8: Use Elephants to train 100 Infantry
Sweet Naptime5
Mission 9: Put every Colony in Hibernation Mode at the same time
The Procrastinator5
Mission 10: Disrupt all Tractor Beams
Battened Down the Hatches5
Mission 11: Save all the Airlocks
Handy with Tools5
Mission 12: Repair the Power Core in less than 4 minutes
Beaming with Pride5
Mission 13: Destroy 25 units with the Scarab
Didn't Get To Second Base5
Mission 14: Don't claim an extra base
Thinkin' about My Doorbell5
Mission 15: Open the Doors in order
Complete any Campaign Mission in Co-op Mode
Complete entire Campaign in Co-op Mode
Playin' the Field15
Win a Skirmish Game with every Leader
Gallivant around the Galaxy25
Win a game on every Skirmish Map
Empire Builder5
Win a game in every Skirmish Game Mode
Get 20,000 points in any Skirmish Game
Big Al's Scooter10
Win a Heroic Skirmish Game against the AI in under 10 minutes
My Virtual Friends Love Me10
Win a 3v3 Skirmish game with 2 AI Allies
Walk-Off Winner30
Use one of the 6 Major Leader Powers to destroy an enemy's last unit
2 Bugs are Better Than 110
Win a Skirmish Game with Dual Scarabs
Penny Pincher10
Get a winning High Score with 10 or less Squads against the Heroic AI
N00b n0 M0r310
Win a Matchmade Skirmish Game on Xbox LIVE
So Lonely at the Top20
Win and have the Highest Score in a Matchmade Skirmish Game on Xbox LIVE
Basically Naive10
Obtain the Recruit Rank on Xbox LIVE
Officer on Deck30
Obtain the Lieutenant Rank on Xbox LIVE
Running the Show50
Obtain the General Rank on Xbox LIVE
Alas, Poor Andrew Thomas5
Collect your first Skull
Collect all Skulls
Halo Academic15
Unlock 20 Timeline Events
Halo Historian40
Unlock All Timeline Events
Ready for the Sequel75
100% Completion
24 Hours of Quality20
Play Halo Wars for at least 24 Total Hours

Secret Achievements

Secret Achievement10
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement40
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement50
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement70
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement70
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

