Rare community manager George Kelion has confirmed to the Rare Witch Community that Rare have started to work on the next Banjo-Kazooie game. He was not able to say much, but he did let out a few details, nothing big, however. At least we know it's in development. Kelion tells us that "In terms of design, everything is very much at the drawing board stages at the moment, which shouldn't really come as a surprise as the team have only just returned to work after the Winter break!" They are taking user feedback on this one. First off, they are using what they did good in Nuts & Bolts and using that. However, Kelion tells us that we can rest assured as the title will be "devising fun, exciting and accessible gameplay experiences." He could not say anymore, sadly.
原帖由 iamzelda 于 2009-1-6 14:21 发表 要怎么才算大卖? 站错队伍的结果??
原帖由 edenfu 于 2009-1-6 16:02 发表 这次的改造作战很好,画面游戏性都有了