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来源: www.levelup.cn   时间:2009-2-26  编辑:六段音速   进入社区讨论

    今天早些时候,Capcom正式向媒体发布了《失落的星球2(Lost Planet 2)》的官方新闻稿,但在描述对应平台时措辞十分谨慎。
    事实上官方新闻稿中确实可以看到“独占”以及“Xbox 360”的字样,但没有出现过类似“X360独占”的描述,字里行间所要表达的意思最多可以看作:这款游戏是面向X360开发的。
    在被Edge Online的记者问到这一问题时,Capcom的一位官方发言人回答说:“现阶段我们能说的就是,我们宣布《失落的星球2》对应X360平台,仅此而已。”
Edge Online:Lost Planet 2 Not Confirmed Exclusive


CAPCOM® ANNOUNCES LOST PLANET ®24-player co-op, new interlinked episodes, and deep customization take Lost Planet® to a New LevelSAN MATEO, Calif. — February 25, 2009  Capcom® Entertainment, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced that Lost Planet® 2 is being developed for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft®, following an exclusive announcement on Xbox LIVE that happened Monday, February 23. Lost Planet®: Extreme Condition, the landmark third-person shooter that debuted on Xbox 360, went on to sell over 2.2 million units worldwide after its release. This next riveting installment will offer deeper insight into the world of E.D.N III and the uncertain fate of future mankind.
Lost Planet 2 picks up 10 years since the events of the original adventure and the landscape has evolved dramatically. With the success of terraforming activities, the planet’s ice has begun to melt, giving way to lush tropical jungles and other new environments. The story has advanced beyond Wayne Holden as players will now follow the exploits of their own customized snow pirates on their quest to seize control of E.D.N III.
Players will move their heroes through different stories creating a truly unique and interactive experience. With this concept, gamers will have the opportunity to engage in the story in a more dynamic way as plot threads evolve from various perspectives.
The strongest features from the first game will return in Lost Planet 2 making fans feel right at home. In addition to the anchor actions that made the gameplay in Lost Planet a true 3-D experience, Lost Planet 2 allows gamers to gain tactical advantage with a wide variety of added actions that the series has to offer. The game will also contain a new entry to the enormous Akrids which were a fan-favorite in the first Lost Planet.
Capcom has spent a considerable amount of time reviewing community feedback and incorporating it into Lost Planet 2 creating a game that both new and returning fans to the series will love. The game takes advantage of Capcom’s most highly advanced software development tool, the MT Framework 2. This is the first game to make use of the new technology – a technology that builds on the advancements made in the original MT Framework.
Beyond the deep single player mode, Lost Planet 2 is loaded with one the most extensive multiplayer campaign seen in a shooter to date. The intense and action packed campaign mode comes with the ability to form teams of up to 4 players online to clear mission objectives with friends.
More information on Lost Planet 2 will be revealed in the upcoming months. In the meantime, please visit the official Capcom press site at http://press.capcom.com



