Valve's Chet Faliszek is one of the guys responsible for the dialog and writing in some of Valve's greatest games, like Left 4 Dead and Portal. So when we invited him on for our Very Special Kotaku Christmas Podcast we had more important things to ask him about. Questions like, what's going on with Old Man Murray and, When are you going to update Old Man Murray again? Don't worry we eventually got around to talking about how one goes about delivering a story without any cut scenes and what Left 4 Dead addicts can expect from the next update to Left 4 Dead. And, yes, he answered everything.
原帖由 woodnymph 于 2008-12-30 11:49 发表 这两天都在PC版联机,硬盘版真好用
原帖由 johnnyf 于 2008-12-30 11:27 发表 狙击的机器还没着落 LS我们L4D!
原帖由 ash1983 于 2008-12-30 17:06 发表 live上玩这个的人很少啊