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Left4Dead - 9.5/10(不负众望)
Gears of War 2 9.5/10
Guitar Hero Wolrd Tour 8.5/10
TC: EndWar 8/10 (算雷么?)
Mirror's Edage 9.5/10
Crash: Mind OVer mutant 5.5/10
Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon 4.5/10
Need for Speed Undercover 7.5/10
Meteos Wars 8/10
Far Cry 2 8.5/10
AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack 7/10
Banjo-Kazooie: N&B 8/10
Mega Man 9 7.5/10
Golden Axe: Beat Rider 4/10
War World:Tactical Combat 6/10
Are you smarter than a 5th gradther 4.5/10
Banjo Kazooie (XBLA) 8/10
Cabela's Most Dangerous Hunts 09 3.5/10
Namco Museum Virtual Arcade 6.5/10
Bolt 7/10
Shadow Assualt Tenchu 5/10
Vigilante 8 Arcade 6/10
Saints Row 2 9/10
The Last Remnant 7/10
Scene It? Box office smash 8/10
Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe 8.5/10
C&C: Red Alert 3 9/10
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows 8/10
Crazy mouse 3/10
DDR Universe 3 6.5/10
HS Musical 3: Senior Year Dance 6/10
Beat'n Groovy 4/10


+Extremely intense action and zombi-killin chaos
+Built to be very replayable
-Can't play Versus on all four campaings; no plot
?When the zombie apocalypse inevitably arrives, which side do you want to be on?

Gears of War 2
+Face-melting multiplayer gameplay and options
+The final "vehicle" you get to "drive" in the campaign
-Super-hokey story and boss fights
?When do Cole and Baird get their own spinoff game?

The Last Remnant
+ Gorgeous scenery, battle animations, facial expressions, and character design
- Unique battle system overused between each city
- Lack of dialogue, cutscenes, and other story elements hurts plot
?What genres can't UE3 tackle?

+slick cops and robbers mode on Live
+ lots of really interesting event types
- no difficulty option at all!
? Why confine us to the same tracks for so long before finally opening up fresh turf?

[ 本帖最后由 slowsonic 于 2008-11-6 12:37 编辑 ]


原帖由 slowsonic 于 2008-11-6 12:33 发表
?When do Cole and Baird get their own spinoff game?
其实我看Cliffy连这外传的名字都想好了... “Saving Private Carmine”

出玩Gays of war3 就公布

