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DX10 射击游戏大作 Crysis 已经由 EA 和 Crytek 确认将有 X360 版本!?


Finally Electronic Arts and Crytek have confirmed that Crysis will arrive at Xbox 360. The articles are many that we have read on the difficulties to program CryEngine 2, and that this he is compatible as well in consoles, but EA has announced that will put the infrastructure necessary to make profitable the costs of development of this version.

They have not specified a date of launching, but the producer does not want that goes away beyond the first quarter of 2008, because it would not have sense to send it so behind schedule with respect to the market of the PC and would harm the global sales. Of the arrival to PlayStation 3 they have not meant nothing, adding that, they continue studying the different possibilities that the console of Sony offers.


1.EA 和 Crytek 确认了 Crysis 将会在 Xbox 360 上发行。
2.发售时间未定,但制作人不希望晚於 2008 第一季,因为晚於 PC 版发售时间太久会有损全球销售数字。
3.关於会不会在 PS3 上发行,EA 和 Crytek 都未说明,只说他们会继续研究 PS3 主机提供的其他可能性

[ 本帖最后由 s7912 于 2006-12-31 10:56 编辑 ]

