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用DX10開發的即時戰略大作《World in Conflict》確定登陸 Xbox360


Massive Entertainment's upcoming alternate Cold War real-time strategy game World in Conflict is planned for eventual release on Xbox 360, publisher Vivendi Games confirmed to Shacknews today. A representative of subsidiary Sierra Entertainment responded briefly to inquiries on the matter, stating simply, "Yes. Announcement coming soon."

World in Conflict had previously only been officially announced for PC, though rumors that the game would head to consoles--made more plausible with its action-tinted gameplay and moderate army sizes--have been making the rounds for several months. The game is expected to ship for PC this fall; no projected release period has yet been given for the Xbox 360 version. Vivendo declined to comment as to the development status of the console game.

《World in Conflict》原本是為PC平台開發的,但製作公司Massive表示不排除在其他次世代主機發行的可能,兩者不同的操控器所帶來的遊戲體驗將完全不同,Massive還表示該款遊戲比常規類型的RTS擁有更多動作成分,因此如果說某款RTS更適合移植到TV主機上,那就是《World in Conflict》。如今出版商Vivendi今天對Shacknews證實TV主機平台為Xbox360版本

由 Massive 所開發的一款 RTS 即時戰略遊戲《World In Conflict》,將是以 DirectX 10 為基礎的一款遊戲,遊戲採用 MassTech 引擎製作,遊戲背景設定於冷戰時期,在遊戲裡玩家可以摧毀你所看見的物品,每個獨立物件都可以讓玩家盡情摧殘,正式版也將支援十六人連線對戰。PC版預計今年第三季登場。

