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- Craig's out of town, incest talk
- Bozon: "Desert of the real" from Dark Tower *facepalm*

- Can't talk about Captivate just yet, tomorrow.
- 5 AM tomorrow morning
- 3rd-person Sci-Fi action game from new Studio
- Continuing WiiWare coverage

Protothea / Toki Tori
- Ninty's gift to Ubi: putting out Protothea before Gyrostarr
- Good for $5, not $10
- Craig on Toki Tori: 8.0
- Bozon's a huge TT fan, says it should be "$8" but "absolutely a must-buy"
- Nunchuk is better than Wiimote solo
- Straight-up puzzler
- Storage jokes, "not getting rid of Super Metroid", Matt dumped his Wii's storage

Star Wars: Clone Wars
- Made just for Wii and DS, no PS2 or PSP versions (jokes)
- Based on movie, nice visual style
- Reader, "1:1 control?!?!?!" Bozon, "Lol no."
- Should be pretty decent
这游戏只有WII DS版?配合电影同步上映。

Tecmo Bowl
- Made for Wii and DS
- Matt thinks DS looks really fun
- Bozon, "Keep Wii version 2D."
- Matt, "2.5D?" Bozon, "Eh..."
- DS has tons of customization
- Edit uniform colors, make your high school colors etc.
- All stylus control but with d-pad/buttons optional
- Online Wi-Fi
- Nothing keeping you from maxing out your team's stats and going online, apparently
- Bozon, "Game of forever confirmed by Bozon."

Wario Land Shake / Fatal Frame
- Bozon, "Balance board?" Matt, "No [you fat idiot]."
- Shake coins out of enemies, more shake-based moves
- Comes out in July in Japan
- Fatal Frame's also coming out in July in Japan, Matt says its a "big game you should be excited about", aim flashlight with Wii remote, etc.
- Bozon, "Virtual Boy Wario Land kicks ass." N64 version, not so much. (??)
- Balance board WarioWare probably coming at E3

Shawn White / Ubisoft
- Coming to 360, PS3, and Wii
- Stylized, cartooney approach, not a port
- Has its own gameplay
- "Looks pretty cool", turn Balance Board sideways like a real board
- Remote used for tricks
- Shawn White taking a beating by messageboarders
- Matt, "Definitely early" in development, "could be cool, glad they're trying."
- Skate It, Rayman, Shawn White, and Extreme Sports are Balance Board compatible, Tony Hawk and SSX probably coming too
- Bashing Ubi for "Nintendo-lyke Qualyty"
- Matt's dilema: Party Babiez or MadWorld? Uhh...
- Who's the audience? Babies?? Ubi, "Only babies play Wii!"(UBI:看小孩在玩WII)
- Brand new engine for Rabbids 3, supposed to look better(疯兔3引擎,会好看一些)

Summon Night: Twin Age
- For DS, Swordcraft story from GBA series
- Controls like Phantom Hourglass."
- Two-player realt-time strategy game, classic dungeon crawling
- Boz, "Very good, possibly great territory."

Coming Up This Week
- Obviously Captivate stuff
- Deeper look at De Blob
- First trailer of Sonic Chronicles

Does Boz still gonna use WiiFit after 30 days?
Yeah not same way, still an effort though. Already broken 15 lbs lost in two weeks, drastic lifestyle change. "Gave birth to 8 lbs alien baby."

Anything new on Deadly Creatures?
New preview shortly, tarantula missions. Chatted with THQ, near-future, etc.

Quantum of Solace to Wii?
Activision doesn't confirm anything, hopefully there won't be a PS2 or PSP port.

Most anticipated 3rd-party titles? Any juicy ones we don't know about, specifically from Captivate?
- Matt, "Super-excited for MadWorld."
- Boz, "Huge WiiWare following, couple things a lot of people don't know about coming." Fatal Frame even though Nintendo's publishing, "really bad ass". "Stick with the system, there's definitely more coming." Is looking at De Blob, Madden
- Damon, "Game from Capcom that will appeal to those who like puzzling and questing." @question: "Infinite Line"

What kind of character would you create for Nintendo?
- Matt wants Oni-Link/Fierce Deity Link to be utilized much more.
- Bozon would do a game where you'd a chibi tank controled by two remotes with a rubber-band, like "Bionic Commando Ground".
- Damon, "Nintendo needs a sex symbol." Bozon, "Chobot's already taken because of GTA4."

NHL2K8 for Wii?
Not confirmed, hope its coming.

Damon, does Protothea stack up against VC or WiiWare games?
Star Solider R definitely best on WiiWare, Soldier Blade and Shikigami on VC.

More about Locke's Quest? Why just videos of solo character play?
As it gets harder, you spend more time preparing unlike Bozon. It's like Rampart on the ground. Never fully on the offensive, but you spawn more characters that help you. Bozon hopes it sells well, from developers of Drawn to Life but more for the hardcores.

What's the best lunchfood for a foodfight?
Bozon, "Carrots sharpened to a point." Matt, "You've been thinking about this..."

Percentage of the chance of a storage solution at E3?
Logically it has to happen, but 3rd parties say probably not. No SD card due to "piracy".

Why do PS updates take forever??
Matt [joking], "With Wii everyone knows it sucks. PS3 is advertised in such a way to be the most powerful games machine, but it can't do jack at all." Updates are a general pain in the ass. (IGN hub fanboy warz.) In-game XMB coming hopefully, will make things much better.

Best (fake?) reader mail ever: "Hey Boz, my brother loves Contra but hates your podcast and always makes fun of me for listening to them, so I told him you worked on the game and he said, 'Yeah, he probably made all the stupid parts of it.'"
Matt, "He's right, actually."
"What was your role in the game?"
Konami wanted two screens. Gap or no gap? Gap. Originally four-player. Bozon's keeping some secrets in case Konami wants a sequel in the far future. Challenge mode, tweaking, weapon swapping.

I'm a first-party Nintendoholic, what's coming up?
Matt, "Animal Crossing is coming for sure. Gonna hit you pretty hard, beyond that you're screwed." Kid Icarus, Pikmin 3, Wario Land, Fatal Frame. "By the end of the year a good 5-10 titles." Bozon wants a new Excite Truck, Matt says Retro is hard at work on a top-secret new project that's probably something original. Oh and Mario Baseball?  

Can Ubisoft ever redeem itself? It's insulting to consumers.
"Rayman will be fun. Nothing's gonna blow anybody away." Red Steel 2 is still in development, and they believe the Prince of Persia spinoff rumor is true. Petz has paid off though. Wait and see.

What are the industry salaries? -Guy from UK
Matt, "Average pay is... somewhere between $40k to $100k depending on position and how long you've been with the company." Producers, PR get paid more. Game development is tough, government takes 40% from indie devs. Business = Developing x2

Wii supplies?
"NPD shows Wii is still top-selling console despite selling out. Nintendo is not manufacturing the shortage.

Actually this may be the best: "Every night I go to sleep listening to your sweet, sweet podcast. Will you tell me goonight? Please? Would you?"
"Good night Mr. Loki."

What's up with old DS game commercials with celebrities?
There have been unofficial announcements for new games, but they're trying to draw in more and more new people. Could still sell Wii on WiiSports.

Craig, why should I give a damn about Toki Tori?(小鸡快跑)
[Matt doing Craig voice] It's fun and you'll really like it(这游戏很棒,的确这样)

Expectations from new DS? This Christmas? Online Pictochat, bigger carts, rumble, blah blah...??
At least next year, probably doing away with the second screen, going more touch-screen based. Might include channel OS. Possibly touch-feedback or IR and SD card slot. Definitely rumble and tilt. Damon doesn't hope it uses CDs, Matt and Boz don't think it will.

Was Tom Prada an a-hole in person? Because it sounded like it in the WiiWare interview.
It was an email interview (blech), sent questions a month ago. Matt tried for more questions, couldn't get answers back in time. Matt tried to corner them with hard drive issue, but he couldn't say anything. Not an a-hole, just saying what Nintendo's official responses are.

Nintendo's new technologies for Wii and DS? Will they abandon or refine the remote? Will they "join with alighty Apple to defeat the Evil Micro$oft and $ony?"
Obvious upgrades in online, will probably be as poweful as Xbox 360 is now.

Neo Geo Arcade's release date?

Do you have Okami sales?
Can't report on them, absolutely not over 100k.(10W不到,卖的不行)

Thoughts on Lost in Blue 3?
Not so hot, skip it.(这游戏可以跳过了)

What DS RPG are you most excited about?
Matt, "Soma Bringer."'
Boz, "Soma Bringer and Final Fantasy 4."

Anything on Elebits 2?
Someone's working on it. Official announcement? Who knows.(有人在做了,什么宣布时间问题)

Do you guys have access to numbers for No More Heroes, Zack & Wiki, and Okami?
Not happy about any of them. Internet helped Z&W tremendously.(宝岛拿到了相当高的评价)

Any news on The Conduit?
Hands-on preview in near-future, next few months.(几个月以后吧)

Fatal Frame 4 at E3?
Yes. Not sure how big it will be, may be eclipsed by WiiFit and such.

[Boring WiiFit question.]

Which Nintendo console has the best games?
Matt, "SNES and GameCube."
Boz, "SNES and GBA."

What's Retro up to?
Multiple projects, may see one this year. One will be epic and amazing.(多个项目进行中,有原创作品,史诗级。)

[Damon's Boom Blox code talk. Blah.]

[Bozon's food habits.]

Brother in Arms?
September, completely mediocre.(游戏很一般)

Is Red Steel 2 coming this year?
They think no, might be announced at E3.

Nintendogs 2?
For Wii or DS, it may be cool.

When are LucasArts adventure games coming to Wii?
Matt thinks its happening eventually, they've already talked about it (internally at LucasArts, not with him).

[Dog Island review stuff. "Fun but not great."]

Manips people make of Matt and Bozon?
Both are "media whoremen". The more you can do to shock and embarrass them, go nuts.

What do you think of the Resident Evil 5 trailer?
Resident Evil 5 at Captivate was really, really impressive. Can't say if there was actual gameplay there or not. All are really psyched, even if it plays like RE4. Nobody cares since RE4 was so good.

[ 本帖最后由 爱姿病 于 2008-6-3 13:10 编辑 ]





