原帖由 muranus 于 2006-8-24 14:05 发表 ship=出货,而那张图是生产出货,生产出货=produce。 sale销量>ship出货>>>>不可超越的墙>>>produce生产出货
ship ■ noun a large seagoing boat. ▶a sailing vessel with a bowsprit and three or more square-rigged masts. a spaceship. N. Amer. an aircraft. ■ verb (ships, shipping, shipped) transport on a ship. ▶transport by other means. ▶dated embark on a ship. ▶(of a sailor) take service on a ship. (of a boat) take in (water) over the side. take (oars) from the rowlocks and lay them inside a boat. ▶fix (a rudder, mast, etc.) in place on a ship. make (a product) available for purchase. a sinking ship a failing organization or endeavour. take ship set off on a voyage by ship. when one's ship comes in (or home) when one's fortune is made. shipless adjective shipload noun shippable adjective shipper noun OE scip (n.), late OE scipian (v.), of Gmc origin. x -ship ■ suffix forming nouns: denoting a quality or condition: companionship. denoting status, office, or honour: citizenship. ▶denoting a tenure of office: chairmanship. denoting a skill in a certain capacity: workmanship. denoting the collective individuals of a group: membership. OE -scipe, scype, of Gmc origin. © Oxford University Press, 2004
原帖由 tdkgtm 于 2006-8-24 14:52 发表 我可以负责地告诉你,ship就是出货,没什么说的
原帖由 tdkgtm 于 2006-8-24 14:55 发表 连查字典的能力都没有掌握还这么自信,佩服 ke (a product) available for purchase 看看清楚,你的原文 更不要说实际应用当中了
原帖由 tdkgtm 于 2006-8-24 15:03 发表 得,刚刚还说"连和出货沾边的都找不到",你的话确实是怎么说都行 "生产出货"...老实说这个词应该是sony早出来的,我确实没本事查
原帖由 tdkgtm 于 2006-8-24 15:22 发表 你无法理解的事情很多,详情请咨询doomking和外贸公司,反正你也不信我,我能理解
原帖由 tdkgtm 于 2006-8-24 15:31 发表 对于微软来说,出货就是从仓库投放零售环节,货款结清了,当然要付税?这不是很明显吗? 生产出货其实就是生产数,谁去管啊?
原帖由 tdkgtm 于 2006-8-24 15:36 发表 不说了,其实你可以搜搜相关扫盲贴,如果你认为我偷换概念就随便吧,这年头被 误会的事也不少