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Skeletons in your Closet 20 G
Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Flashback Map Pack maps in Horde (any difficulty)

More Mystery, Less History 15G
Win a multiplayer match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman)

Bound by a Shared Past 15 G
Win a Wingman match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps

Trial by, and on, Fire 20 G
Survive first 10 Horde waves on Combustible Map Pack maps as a team

The Roof! The Roof! The Roof… 15 G
Win a multiplayer match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman)

Forged in the Fire 15G
Win a Wingman match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps

Annex: Now With Execution Rules 75G
Win an Annex match on each Flashback and Combustible Map Pack map (public matches only)

