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The always quotable Phil Harrison, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, sat down for a conversation Stephen Totilo of MTV to talk all things PlayStation. So what does Phil have to offer?

He says that while in-house developed games like Gran Turismo 2 and God of War II max out the PS2, no one will ever be able to tap 100% of the power of the Cell-powered PS3. In fact, Phil says Sony software is currently using "less than half" of the machine's capabilities. Does that mean Genji 3 has the possibility of being twice as good as the second? Amazing!

And what does Phil see as the gaming industry's "biggest challenge"?

    I fervently believe that the biggest challenge we face is that our industry is referred to as 'video games,' and games are supposed to be fun. Games should deal with fear, should deal with comedy and with death. They should deal with peril, with drug offenses.

新闻连接:http://kotaku.com/gaming/mtv/phi ... pability-222799.php

