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Halo 3 Details Revealed

New weapons, rides and it comes with a Spartan helmet. Enough said.
by Jonathan Miller

October 27, 2006 - Spike Grenades.

Yes, the new vehicles, new weapons and a Legendary edition that comes packaged with a Spartan helmet all make us giggle in anticipation of Halo 3, Bungie's upcoming epic sequel on the Xbox 360. But of all the new details swirling from multiple online sites today, it's the new Brutish Spike Grenade that has us trigger-happy. "Spike Grenade." We are not sure what it is, but the images it conjures in our minds mean that someone is going to get hurt. Hurt bad.

In the December issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly, Swedish mag LEVEL, Bungie will reveal a host of new gameplay details, as well as the news that Halo 3 will have not only a collector's edition but a legendary edition as well. Along with bonus DVDs of content, the package will come with a replica Spartan helmet. Starting to sweat? We haven't even started on the weapons.

The Brutes will be armed with Spike Grenades and Spike Rifles. The grenades are said to stick to walls and explode into a vicious blast of sharp projectiles. There's also word on a new Spartan Laser, a difficult-to-control but powerful attack that can disable vehicles in a single hit. Pwned!

The Mongoose will also be included, the two-man vehicle that was originally slated to be included in Halo 2. The Mongoose has no weapons, reportedly, and it is designed for speed. That doesn't mean the passenger can't wreak havoc with the newly designed assault rifle, though. Or maybe it does.

Halo 3 will obviously feature new multiplayer maps. New maps Valhalla, Snowbound and High Ground are being compared to Blood Gulch, Zanzibar and Frostbite, respectively. Halo and Halo 2 enabled 16 players to vie on System Link and Xbox Live, respectively. But we still don't know how many players will be able to jump online at one time. We're hoping Bungie has plans to compete with the PS3's Resistance and 40-player action. Just imagine.

In terms of control, the X button is said to change the way you play Halo. Mum is the word from Bungie. We only know that the bumpers are now used to reload, and the left bumper will reload a secondary weapon, if equipped.

There is also said to be a kind of cannon that will shoot players across the map. You can shoot enemies in the air and they can shoot you. This should put to work the new movie maker that allows you to capture clips of you shooting newbs in the head. We'll have more details on Halo 3 soon.


根据来自电子游戏周刊EGM和瑞典游戏杂志LEVEL的消息,Bungie公司将在不久后公开大量有关微软Xbox 360超级大作《光环3》的最新情报,其中不仅包括游戏的许多细节,还涉及到游戏的豪华版和传奇限定版等此前从未公开过的内容。


    关于《光环3》这款万众期待的大作,Bungie透露游戏将在继承系列前作传统的基础上增加许多全新要素。在武器方面,可选择的装备将增加“穿刺手榴弹(Spike Grenades)”和威力巨大的“穿刺来复枪(Spike Rifles)”。据悉,新登场的这种手榴弹可以被固定在墙壁等物体表面,爆炸后产生的冲击波将如同钢钉一样穿透任何障碍物。此外,Bungie还提到了一种新的斯巴达光线枪,尽管这种武器使用起来有一定难度,但其威力却异常惊人,仅一发就足以摧毁一辆战车。


    关于玩家们普遍比较关心的多人联机部分,Bungie官方透露《光环3》将增加全新的联机游戏地图,其中包括“瓦尔哈拉”、“雪地冰原”和“高地”。但关于游戏支持的最多在线游戏人数,Bungie并没有透露详细的信息。初代《光环》和《光环2》支持最多16名玩家联机游戏,相信有Xbox 360和Xbox Live作后盾,《光环3》对应的联机游戏人数应该能满足玩家们的需要。



