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忍龙NINJIA GAIDEN SIGMA开发小组TEAM NINJIA最近在著名游戏网站1UP的访谈中谈到了PS3大肆宣传的1080P问题.

1UP编辑:"在技术层面, PS3上的忍龙SIGMA将会最高支持到什么分辨率? 原因是什么?"

TEAM NINJIA:"这款游戏将会只支持720P. 因为开发小组发现,如果考虑到画面品质的话,720P是你在PS3所能达到的最高分辨率. 现在有一些公司在开发运行在1080P下的游戏,但问题是在高分辨率下,PS3的硬件很容易超过极限. 如果你客观的评价这款主机的话,你会发现要想能达到游戏表现和视觉效果的平衡,720P将是唯一的选择. 现在拿1080P当真的公司,如果不是是过高的估计了他们在那个分辨率下让游戏运行的能力,就是拿1080P当成纯粹的广告宣传伎俩. 再说一次,我确信如果你想在PS3上做出好看的游戏的话,720P是唯一的选择."

"1UP: On the technical side of things, what's the highest resolution Ninja Gaiden Sigma will support and why?

YH: Well, this game is going to support 720p, and that is because we have determined that this is optimal resolution to get the best quality images out of the PS3. There are companies out there that are developing games at 1080p, and the problem is that they're really pushing the limits of the hardware at that resolution, and I think that if you examine it objectively you will see that in order to get the best balance of performance and image quality then 720p is your only choice. I think that the companies that are making a big deal out of making games at 1080p are either overestimating their ability to get their games to run well at that resolution, or they're basically just using that as an advertising gimmick. I'm confident that if you want to make the best-looking game you can on PS3, then 720p is your only choice."

