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PLAYSTATION 3 Magazine:我们觉得X360比PS3更好


PlayStation-centric US magazine PSM has put PS3 and Xbox 360 through a series of rigorous tests in a "definitive head-to-head comparison," and has come out with what must be a surprising result for subscribers: the next-gen console war is a dead heat. PSM offers a balanced case for pledging your allegiance to either platform, even roping in the editor-in-chief of the US Official Xbox Magazine to defend Xbox 360. Although, with one section pointing out that "PS3 wins if... You're a loner who doesn't plan to use community features much," it seems the barbed comments have been reserved for PS3.
After admitting that "360 is more impressive [in terms of having 'big' games]" and the Xbox interface "offers a lot more functionality than PS3's," we had to double check the flannel panel to make sure that Peter Moore hadn't sneaked a spot as the month's special guest writer.

PSM的编辑认为X360上有着更多的大作,界面提供了更多的功能,Xbox live在社交方面也做的更好。

