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美剧《迷失》Lost 将制作 XO PC PS3 版游戏

n their most recent official podcast, ABC's LOST producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse confirmed that the upcoming game adaptation will be arriving on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

Typically, adaptations cater to as many consoles as possible so as to guarantee they hit the same market as those who watch the TV show. Is this an indication that the PlayStation 2's time is coming to an end, or is developer Ubisoft Montreal focusing more time and effort on delivering a title whose graphics are on par with our expectations for the newest generation of console?

Said Cuse approximately 25 minutes into the podcast, "[Developer Ubisoft Montreal] came down here the other day and did a demo on some of the stuff," while Lindelof remarked, "very impressive," in response to what they were shown. We don't want to imply that television producers know what makes great games, but as fans of the show, we are comforted that progress is being made on the title. No release date has been mentioned.

A mobile game based on LOST is currently available, which you can demo here.

以大热的美国 ABC 台悬疑电视剧《迷失》LOST 将制作 Xbox 360、PC、PS3 版本游戏,由 Ubisoft 蒙特利尔分部负责,消息是该剧的制片 Damon Lindelof、Carlton Cuse 在播客中正式确认。该游戏之前已经发售了手机版本。

