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目前PS3 所運行的Folding@Home WU為相對簡易且侷限之任務

PS3目前運行的WU種類為implicit solvation calculations,相對行之有年的PC WU而言範圍相對有所侷限。未來PS3將可運行explicit solvent calculations 的WU(運算複雜度上升),但性能表現將不如目前相對PC的表現同等優異。

此外目前來自ATI GPU X19系列的最高速Folding@Home 方案(約為PS3 Cell F@H兩倍性能)所接收的WU特徵範圍更為侷限。

http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/ ... -fh.html?ntlfld.1.n

What type of calculations the PS3 client is capable of running? The PS3 right now runs what are called implicit solvation calculations, including some simple ones (sigmodal dependent dielectric) and some more sophisticated ones (AGBNP, a type of Generalized Born method from Prof. Ron Levy's group at Rutgers). In this respect, the PS3 client is much like our GPU client. However, the PS3 client is more flexible, in that it can also run explicit solvent calculations as well, although not at the same speed increase relative to PC's. We are working to increase the speed of explicit solvent on the PS3 and would then run these calculations on the PS3 as well. In a nutshell, the PS3 takes the middle ground between GPU's (extreme speed, but at limited types of WU's) and CPU's (less speed, but more flexibility in types of WU's) [emphasis added].

[ 本帖最后由 村上春樹 于 2007-3-28 13:31 编辑 ]

