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超級和諧!! VF5 360版開發畫面已與PS3齊等,還有強化改進過的CPU 對戰AI

http://www.gamesradar.com/us/xbo ... 0070501101250856017

The same basic modes that appeared in the PS3 release are duplicated in the 360 version, with tweaks. Arcade mode, at its core, is the same as any other fighter: battles against computer opponents. Versus mode, well, that's obvious. Quest mode allows you to fight opponents across a fictional array of Japanese arcades - it's the best mode for single-player enjoyment in the PS3 version, as there's an actual sense of progression as you fight more enemies and rise in ranks and skill. You can get new equipment for your character that affects his or her appearance, allowing you to customize your look. The one complaint we had with the PS3 version - that the computer players weren't very realistic or fun to fight against - is being overhauled for the Xbox 360 release with much improved artificial intelligence based on newer arcade data.

All expectations we have - after seeing the performance of the 360 version, which absolutely runs as well and looks at least as good as the PS3 version - is that VF5 on the 360 will be the fighting game of choice for the system for the foreseeable future. It simply is so deep and enjoyable in arcades and on PS3 that little can go wrong now that performance has been sorted out.  What we saw in Japan ran beautifully. We have questions, of course, about what content will spice up the 360 release and make it more worthy than the PS3 version, but those will have to wait for now.

If you missed it, don't forget to check out our EXCLUSIVE video interview with VF5's developers or take a tour of the most popular arcade for VF5 in Tokyo

[ 本帖最后由 村上春樹 于 2007-5-2 09:21 编辑 ]

