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业界谣言 -- NAMCO 美丽块魂转为360独占

http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/l ... ri-exclusivity.aspx

But when a little birdie with good reason to know--and to gloat--informed us that the We Love Katamari sequel, Beautiful Katamari, would join the ranks of Xbox 360 exclusive titles, the pattern was impossible to deny. We've since confirmed that an exclusivity deal between Namco and Microsoft is very close to fruition, likely to be announced at the E3 Media and Business Summit in July. Namco is enjoying the warm embrace and ever-deepening ties with Microsoft, while Microsoft sees this as an opportunity to change the perception of Xbox 360 as the barracks for bald space marines and little else.

根据某内线消息,在07年初宣布将于360/PS3发行的块魂Katamari新作Beautiful Katamari(美丽块魂)将转为360独占游戏。该网站Blogger已确认由微软与NAMCO签订的相关独占合约传言高度可信,很可能会在07E3上正式宣布。

