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posted by wap, platform: Chrome
PS4 Pro:
1080p at 30fps

PS4 Pro:
1800p at 30fps

2160p at 30fps / 1800p at 60fps

- This comparison has been made with the launch patch applied to all versions.
- PS5 resolution mode applies temporal injection over 2160p (something similar to what we saw in Spider-Man: Miles Morales), achieving greater sharpness and no aliasing.
- PS5 FPS mode reaches 1800p resolution, but the difference seems bigger due to the technique mentioned above.
- The overall geometry on PS5 is taller. This can be easily seen on rocks or trees. This explains the larger size of the PS5 version, among other things.
- There is a higher density of vegetation on PS5 in some areas. However, in this sequel, Aloy interacts with all vegetation on both platforms.
- The general quality of the texturing is better on PS5, although there is not a big difference in this aspect.
- Reflections in PS5 Resolution mode are considerably better than in FPS mode. FPS mode reflections resemble PS4 quality.
- This game does not use Ray-Tracing of any kind.
- Particles are one of the elements that differ the most between versions, especially in the vegetation of the plague. On PS4/PS4 Pro there is little quantity and the FPS mode of PS5 reduces its quality.
- Framerate is almost perfect during gameplay. PS4 has some minor stuttering issues, but nothing major. In cutscenes, all versions have drops.
- Draw distance and anisotropic filtering are larger on PS5. FPS mode also lowers these settings.
- Load times are 7 times faster on PS5.
- The rendering quality of the water on PS5 is better, but in the case of PS4 the level is also satisfactory.
- PS5 adds additional shadows to various assets (particularly vegetation) and general shadows appear more realistic.
- The night sky on PS5 also has more stars and lighting effects.
- Horizon Forbidden West is a game designed for PS4, which guarantees outstanding performance on this platform. However, the improvements applied in PS5 make for a great look, much more numerous than usual in this type of oldgen ports.
- As a personal opinion, I would choose resolution mode on PS5. It is clear that this game has been developed with 30fps in mind and the visual improvements it offers are worth it.

