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[电脑] Windows Live Messenger 9.0 Beta开始邀请用户

今天打开邮箱,看到一封来自微软的email,开始还以为是订阅的内容,正准备拉往microsoft文件夹,结果标题是Invitation to the Windows Live Messenger 9.0 Beta,英文的 ,懒得翻译,有用的就是invitation ID。

Hello from the Windows Live Messenger Team!

We've been hard at work building the foundation for Windows Live Messenger 9.0, we'd like to give you a look at what we've built and ask what you think. We're running a small private beta to get early feedback on the new features we've built and get wider test coverage of the build.

As a beta tester you'll have access to an early 9.0 build, a private newsgroup just for Windows Live Messenger beta testers, and the ability to send bugs directly to the product team. The build you'll be beta testing with is a very early build, so it may be less stable than beta builds you've tried in the past. We're telling you this upfront so you know what you're getting into. If you're not sure about trying a not-quite polished build, maybe this beta isn't for you. If you're ready to dig in and explore this build with us, follow the below instructions to nominate yourself.

   1. Go to http://connect.microsoft.com
   2. Click "Invitation" in the left nav pane
   3. Enter this invitation ID: (此处隐去)
   4. Click Go
   5. Fill out the nomination survey

We'll review all survey responses and accept as many people into the beta as we can. Look for mail from us soon!

We look forward to hearing from you!
The Windows Live Messenger Team

