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Yesterday, we covered an interview with Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3) producer, Yoshinori Kitase, which had him reassuring fans that FFXIII going multiplatform did not compromise design at all. Today, we have here Kitase talking to GameTrailers, and admitting that the PS3 version has been indeed compromised to "keep both versions of the game identical."
FF13制作人對GameTrailers承認, 事實上為了公平起見, PS3版作出了妥協

the PS3 version will not have the Japanese voices with English subtitles because, well, it can't fit on the Xbox 360 and since they want to be "fair" to both platforms, then they won't put it on the PS3 as well

(美版) 因360容量問題放不下日文語音, 為了公平, PS3版也不會收錄

If the game was on a single Blu-Ray disc, it would allow the player to explore many areas, and many side-quests at any time throughout the game. However, due to the DVD limitations of the Xbox 360, the game will be cut up, and many areas you visit at the beginning of the game will most likely not be available towards the end of the game

如果是一隻碟, 設計任務可以沒地區限制, 隨時造訪. 但由於DVD容量限制, 遊戲要斬件, 很多地區遊戲後期不能再訪

http://www.qj.net/Contrary-to-wh ... aid/134299#comments



