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[电音赏析] EVO2012 街霸2X传奇赛

At the end of the night, a special tournament was held for a game that essentially kicked off the competitive fighting game community as we know it today. Tournaments were held across the world for SSF2T, resulting in one of the more memorable events when the best players from the US at the time including Alex Valle and Seth Killian traveled to Japan to face off against their best players, which included the likes of young Daigo Umehara. Below are the results for the best of five matches.
RizOne vs MCZ Tokido 1 – 3
Damdai vs marsgatti 3 – 1
Mao vs Kusomondo 0 – 3
MCZ Daigo vs Afrolegends 1 – 3
Damdai vs Mao 1 – 3
Afrolegends vs Kusomondo 2 – 3
MCZ Daigo vs MCZ Tokido 3 – 1
MCZ Daigo vs Mao 0 – 3
Mao vs Afrolegends 3 – 1
Mao vs Kusomondo 3 – 1, 3 – 2
Kusumondo is Grand Champion

