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[貌似没人发系列] SquareEnix宣布《GB计划》

渣公司的新点子,有开发《Vagrant Story》的带了个10人小队开发,目前进度很初级。

Ichiro Otobe, person in charge at Enix Public garden, opens the ball of Game Developers Conference in San Francisco in the United States by announcing at the time of a press conference a new title on Nintendo DS entitled Project GB, a kind of RPG Maker developed in-house by Tadashi Tsushima (Vagrant Story)shouldered by a small team of 10 people. The title, still at theexperimental stage, will thus propose to the player to create his own video game thanks to simple development tools. It will thus be aquestion of conceiving graphics and animations, of gauging the parameters of the gameplay, etc. The title should even make it possible to improve code on a bottom grade, for the players more experienced in programming who wish to refine their creation. The project is still at its beginnings, no date of exit was not announced for the moment. To follow.

[ 本帖最后由 acejun4rui 于 2007-3-6 17:15 编辑 ]

