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[新闻] 不玩正版被ban到 9999-12-31

Guy plays Halo 3 and gets banned for life! FTW! How fcukin stoopid do you have to be to try and play online, with your gamertag visible to the world?

UPDATE: Sega4Life commented on Digg that these jokers actually went on the Xbox boards with their problem, asking for help. Read it from the sixth post onward, LMFAO all the way! PNWED!!!

UPDATE 2: | Scar | got dug up from the bowels of the internets and replies on the Xboxic Forums. Seems he (unknowingly I guess) got into Epsilon through a stolen account from an MS employee.

UPDATE 3: O.M.F.G. wtf did I do l0lz! I made it unwittingly to the topp at Digg (well, Xbox section anyway ), and behold (raises arms and kneels down), a mention on Bungie.org FTW! So, when uz done here, can I haz click on Googul adz? -I needz moniez for teh Legendary Edition!

