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New data from Home Media Research shows that Blu-ray is continuing to lead in high definition media sales. As of August 5th, the top 10 best selling high definition movies are all available on Blu-ray, and half of those exclusive to the format. Warner Brother's '300' leads the pack, followed by 'The Departed', 'Casino Royale', 'Planet Earth', and 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest'.

Noticeably absent from the list is Universal who did not have a title which sold enough copies to break into the top 20. Paramount made it to 17th with their release of 'Babel', but if there wasn't a Blu-ray version of the title, it would have fallen short making the list.
高清内容销售前10中5款是BD独占作品另外5款也有BD版本。300猛男依然强劲 无间道 007 地球科教片 以及海盗紧跟其后

值得注意的是环球的HD独占片没有进入前20 派拉蒙的巴别塔排17还是因为有了BD版本

