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Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz at Leipzig last week, Tohru Murayama, lead designer for Virtua Fighter 5, intimated that the game may not see the light of day on Japanese 360s. According to Murayama (and everybody else for that matter), the Xbox 360 has not done well in Japan. As a result, the install base of just under 400,000 units may not justify the release of Virtua Fighter 5 in Japan. It's a shame really, considering the features of Virtua Fighter 5 360 that aren't offered on the PS3, chiefly online play. Our condolences to Japanese gamers, the prognosis isn't looking good.

Virtua Fighter 5 首席设计师 Tohru Murayama 在莱比锡展上对 GamesIndustry.biz 网站透露,由于 Xbox 360 在日本只有 40 万台的销量,因此没有发售日版 VF5 的计划。

能够 Live 对战的 VF5 不发售日版,SEGA 是不是认为改个区码配上日文加上宣传费用卖出的 VF5 一点赚头都没有?欧美的 VF5 销量就一定比日本本土要高?恶性循环就此造成。只能怀疑跟 SONY 有合约在先。

