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[官方活动] The Evil Within 恶灵附身 PC版可60FPS及16:9

Shinji Mikami and the team at Tango designed The Evil Within to be played at 30fps and to utilize an aspect ratio of 2.35:1 for all platforms. The team has worked the last four years perfecting the game experience with these settings in mind. For PC players, we’ll provide debug commands on how you can alter the framerate and aspect ratio, but these commands and changes are not recommended or supported and we suggest everyone play the game as it was designed and intended for the best experience.

但是这个DEBUG COMMANDS的方式有点蛋疼 他们还不推荐
原文链接见18楼 里面还有各版本预载时间等消息

40G的游戏容量应该如尼莫船长所言 被贴图占去不少

[ 本帖最后由 Knoxville 于 2014-10-9 13:47 编辑 ]


贝社回应速度还算不慢 比之前卡婊处理生4HD的态度好



STEAM社区现在真是欢乐 各种TROLL 反串黑
Like this:
Skîdrow is my best friends.
First need 4GB of Vram for run the game at 1080p and now the game is locked at 30 fps, what next ? A dîck in your âss ? oh sorry it's already done.

Guys, continue to buy this ♥♥♥♥ and a day all PC game will be locked at 30 fps with same graphics to the peasant consoles.

Ryse will be more Glorious at 60 fps than The Evil Garbage.

Thanks at :

-U Torrent
-Daemon Tool
-The Pirate Bay

To give me the chance to have a great justice in this world.

当然社区最大的好处是方便玩家讨论 方便厂商获取玩家意见以及和玩家交流

