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Sega's New NiGHTS Game for Wii – Confirmed

SPOnG can confirm that recent speculation of NiGHTS remake holds truth today, as fresh details emerge of a game that has reached epic proportions before a single jot of official information is revealed.

Speaking to representatives close to the project, we were told in no uncertain terms that a new NiGHTS game is about to be uncovered. NiGHTS will launch exclusively for the Nintendo Wii platform.

“Yes, there is a new NiGHTS coming, and coming quite soon actually,” we were told today by a representative close to the project who agreed to speak with us under terms of strict anonymity. “It's a full game too, not a rehash of old NiGHTS for Virtual Console as some have said it might be lately. It's a whole new game.”

Of course, rumours of a NiGHTS Into Dreams remake have existed since the original game, and it's follow-up spin-off Christmas NiGHTS, delighted Saturn owners back in 1996. A Dreamcast version was thought to be in the works up to the point the system was pulled, and chatter of a rebirth on a new home console has never ceased to engage the Sega fanbase. \ advertisement /

Of note with this remake is the fact that it's going to come from a new studio and not from within Sega itself. Yuji Naka, creator of Sonic the Hedgehog and a legendary developer in his own right, was believed to have become frustrated with Sega as it revised its core business operations, following the shift away from former parent CSK to pachinko giant Sammy. It is believed that his autonomy was reduced and the central Sonic Team diluted and relocated to other teams and projects.

This caused Naka to seek allegiances with the Sega old guard, which were successfully gained, and start a new company, called Prope. Tellingly, 'prope' is the Japanese word for 'beside' or 'next-to', hinting that the studio will nestle in closely to Sega, develop around its IP and offer an environment in which Naka feels comfortable.

The cult status of NiGHTS belies its megre sales, bound as it was by the dead-on-arrival Saturn platform. The game is still held in absolute awe by those sucked into it and is marked as one of the true videogamers' videogames from the 32-Bit era. NiGHTS reinvented the 'score-attack' system of gameplay that had been lost, presenting raw scoreboard accolades to players who had gotten used to almost every game in every genre trying to avoid the use of a score system in the classic sense.

It was rumoured from the off that Prope's first project would be a NiGHTS remake. Today, it looks like these rumours were bang on the money.

Stay tuned to SPOnG for everything on NiGHTS as information is drip-fed to us by way of leaks, off-the-record comment who knows, maybe even an official announcement.




