I think it is time to draw the digital line. Too Human will be out in August and I think there is going to be a lot of trolls crying here. Either way when the game comes out this forum will likely be on fire. So in order to try to put it out some gasoline on this fire I will ask those interested to stand up and be counted. I feel Too Human is a great game, likely to be better than most that will come out this year. I certainly feel it is the best game we have ever made. I also believe the press and gamers alike will believe this. This puts me in the “For” camp. I know there are many who feel strongly in opposite camp. I also would ask you to stand up and say “Against”. When the game is released and everyone plays game all the speculation will be over. If I am wrong and gamers in general think the game is “crap” then I am comfortable with getting tagged “Owned by the GAF”. However, if I am right and it is received well, I would like to see those “Against” to be tagged with “Owned by Too Human”. I would like to make a honorary invitation to EvilLore and Duckroll who help fuel the fire on a regular basis – assuming you both would be “Against”. In the end though, it is your decision and I want to remind everyone that I have an advantage of actually playing the game. I invite anyone who seeing someone trolling Too Human in other threads to point them here. So it’s time to be stand and be counted: Denis Dyack - “For”
原帖由 Jonsoncao 于 2008-7-18 13:36 发表 http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=318653 原因当然就是Denis同学发了这么一个脑残的挑战帖…… 说如果Too Human不雷的话,那些“Troll”的称号就要改成owned by Too Human…… 最后评比的标准 ...
原帖由 正版万岁 于 2008-7-18 15:40 发表 出了我就买。 谁要跟我连co-op?
原帖由 lesliex 于 2008-7-18 15:46 发表 谁告诉我TOO HUMAN什么意思啊