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[360]經典暴力遊戲POSTAL 三代將登陸Xbox360

曾在PC平台上以高度暴力一度遭受衛道人士抵制,且發揮惡搞極致樂趣的FPS遊戲 POSTAL(喋血街頭)系列將在2008年於360/PC平台登場。新作將使用Valve的Source Engine(Half -Life 2),並使用動態捕捉技術來呈現多樣化且真實的人物動態。

貫穿於POSTAL世界中的多樣化殺人手法、GTA-Like的開放式地圖設計與諷刺趣味滿點的任務,使得POSTAL 在PC Gamer心目中為一評價兩極的經典作品。各大網站評價中下有餘,但熱中以PCGame發洩與殺戮的玩家可能喜愛有加。


POSTAL III will include motion-captured performances by a wide array of celebrities – from film stars to Playboy Playmates – as well as a storyline that offers gamers vast latitude in terms of their behavior. "We've always maintained since publishing the original POSTAL that the game is only as violent as the player wants it to be and we're committed to expanding this unique form of gameplay in this next addition to the ongoing storyline," Desi vowed.

Andrew Belkin, Producer for Akella stated “We here at Akella are big fans of the POSTAL series and so being involved in production of POSTAL III is both great fun and an honor for us. In cooperation with RWS talent I believe POSTAL III will be the sickest and craziest game ever! Definitely, this is the first project of such scale and a major step forward for our company”

The player will once again be cast as the nameless "Postal Dude," the star of all previous versions of the game, including POSTAL 2: Share The Pain and POSTAL 2: Apocalypse Weekend. POSTAL III is scheduled for release some time in 2008.

於2003年發行的POSTAL II

圖片位址正確,看不到圖片的朋友請前往http://www.gopostal.com/postal2/screenshots.php 觀賞.
不少PC Gamer將POSTAL視為另類神作.

