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XB360中世纪魔怪动作游戏《巫女计划》Project Witches 公布

西班牙游戏厂商 Revistronic 公布了以虚构的中世纪黑暗魔怪时代为背景的动作游戏,暂定名为《魔女计划》Projcet Witches,游戏的设计都是以合作通关为基础。

Spanish developer Revistronic has unveiled Project Witches (working title). Along with the game's description and features you can also take a look at the first screenshots of the game:

Project WITCHES (Provisional Title) is a third-person tactical combat game developed by Revistronic and designed to exploit the capabilities of new generation consoles.

Players find themselves in terrifying dark medieval surroundings in an epic struggle for survival against the repellent deformed Hordes of the Beast, an evil creature that has established a reign of slavery and terror throughout the land.

Across a landscape of devastation, you have to direct Gwen, a sultry warrior that still resists his dark will and leads the rebellion against his satanic power.

Above all, it is a game where teamwork is vital: all modelling, levels and scenes are designed to promote cooperative play, whether it be through the artificial intelligence of allies or with human players across the Internet.

The Revistronic team has developed a special technology to create this game, exploiting to the full the spectacular possibilities of new generation consoles to give a gameplay experience such as never before


