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[蛋疼询问]不支持双线性过滤是NDS 3D游戏满屏马赛克的原因?

The system's 3D hardware performs transform and lighting, texture-coordinate transformation, texture mapping, alpha blending, anti-aliasing, cel shading and z-buffering. However, it uses Point (nearest neighbor) texture filtering, leading to some titles having a blocky appearance. The system is theoretically capable of rendering 120,000 triangles per second at 60 frames per second and the pixel fill rate is 30 million pixels per second. Unlike most 3D hardware, it has a set limit on the number of triangles it can render as part of a single scene; this limit is somewhere in the region of 2048 triangles per frame at 60 FPS. This is mainly due to its use of a form of Scanline rendering which inherently restricts the number of polygons that can be drawn at a time. The 3D hardware is designed to render to a single screen at a time, so rendering 3D to both screens is difficult and can decrease performance significantly.[9]


A zoomed small portion of a bitmap, using nearest neighbor filtering (left), bilinear filtering (center), and bicubic filtering (right).

[ 本帖最后由 自然韵律 于 2007-5-12 12:41 编辑 ]



由于N64是支持Bilinear filtering(双线性过滤)的,我想知道NDS是由于何种原因放弃了这个硬件特性。

