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[心得] 发布会观后感

表真的没啥可谈了。。。还是新本子惊艳,虽然可以喷的点很多,但绝对是前卫的设计思维。Type-C在接口今年CES之前还是个只有geek讨论的概念,CES之后各大厂有人玩,但是也没看出来有谁想真正推广和普及。别的不说,新MacBook在推动Type-C接口和USB 3.1外设大范围快速普及上绝对是能起很大作用。不过就这一个口。。。实际使用起来的感觉,我引用一段鬼佬的吐槽

First, they came for our USB ports, and we did not speak out, for we had Bluetooth mice.

Then, they came for our Displayport connectors, and we did not speak out, for we rarely used external monitors anyway.

Then, they came for our Magsafe, and we did not speak out, for none of our friends or family would ever be so clumsy as to trip over our 2m power cable.

Then, they charged us $79 for a dongle which added these things back -- but there was nothing left to connect.

